The Board of Angels

The Board of Angels is the Board for the highest of all Divine Angel Beings. It comes from a different Reality where we originally come from. The Divine Angel Beings are nothing like all of the different forms of angels and divine angelic beings that we have in this Universe or our Blue Creation, such as Guardian Angels, Archangels etc. Instead, their Board forms the foundation of the very creation of angels existing everywhere and in all levels. They have in many different ways inspired all be-winged creatures and angelic beings everywhere and all over.


The Board of Angels touches something much higher than holy, the very essence of holy. It is described as the “Cooking Recipe” and “Periodic Table” of angels. The Board contains 36 Signs. Each Sign represents deep and comprehensive meanings including the physical, emotional characters and qualities of the angels.


The very creation of angels and other forms of be-winged beings, their very existence and entire structure etc. are there and carefully described through the Board of Angels and its Signs.

By working with the Board of Angels, we bring down the energy from another Reality and we work with the Divine Angel Beings from there, also called the Holy Angels of Light.


Nothing is too small or insignificant, or too big and overwhelming. Everything can be worked with, from a single atom to the entire world, our Mother Earth, the Universe, the Blue creation and even further. This is through the use of Angel Board Healing, Openings, Initations, Upgrades and Ceremonies etc. All is about caring and to give out truthfully and lovingly from the heart.


The Board of Angels brings joy, love, harmony, peace and creativity into our lives. It is ideal for those who want to make this world a better place and who want to have closer contacts with the angels in the Universe. The Divine Angel Beings embraces the giver and receiver with unconditional Divine love.


In this class you’ll learn how to do healings, spiritual work for a client or yourself or Mother Earth or anything you want to work with, with the Board of Angels and their Signs, connecting with Divine Angel Beings and Holy Angels of Light.


You’ll be provided with special Angel Meditations for your own spiritual growing. This is one of the first classes of this other Reality that provides you the possibilities to be connected with your Total Higher Self. The Total Higher Self is the Total of all your Higher Selves together in all levels. Connecting with your Total Higher Self is the ultimate you can achieve in spirituality.


You’ll also learn how to give Angel Initiations, Openings and Upgrades to yourself and others. All is to help with moving everything and everyone forward in Spirituality.


Part of the class material teaches you how to build energy portals in Nature, specific outdoor places at your desire (e.g. your garden, an industrial place, a wedding place etc.) to bring down angelic energies.  


A fantastic part of this education is that you’ll learn how to create Holy Angel Water for any purpose you want and change the purpose by an instant thought. It can work with anything you can think of, emotions, physical body, spiritual growing, nature, animals, Mother Earth, the Universe etc., the only limitation is your thought.


The energy of the class is soft and sweet. After this class, you’ll experience much more love in your life. You carry the Divine energies even you’re not working with the Board and you can help others to receive the same energy.


The cost of this class is 850 euro and it takes two days. Price excludes the crystals you need to buy.


There is also a teacher training of this class.


Angelic Healing with Gemstones


This is the Gemstone Board of Board of Angels, we call it Angelic Healing with Gemstones. It goes hand in hand with the Board of Angels, however the education of Board of Angels is not required to learn this Gemstone Board. It can be a standalone class. Instead of 36 Signs, this Board works with 36 gemstones.


This Angelic Gemstone Board has a very specific energy. It can take you even deeper into the meditations, to connect you with your True Origin, your Total Higher Self and this profound other Reality.


The beautiful water you can create from this class goes deep into the body and everything you used it for.


There are many amazing things in this class, all can be used for yourself and for the world.


The cost of this class is 650 euro excluding stones.