
Fengshui has been used for thousands of years in creating harmony and balance in a home.

When a home is in harmony, there is an easier flow in relationship, prosperity, career, creativity, health and the general well-being.

The traditional form of Fengshui focuses on the location of the home and the furniture placement of it.

The modern Fengshui has been adding more flavors to it, such as interior design, clutter clearing, energy assessment, space clearing etc.


The environment we live in contributes 33% to how we experience of our life.

My approach in Fengshui is to create an environment that serves the soul and the soul’s growth. Think about the objects placed in the home and the colors used in the home.


I take into consideration of

  • The flow of the Chi
  • Symbolic
  • Balance of Yin and Yang
  • Interior decorations
  • Colors
  • Energy of the home
  • Personal five elements


I love to create beauty and harmony. I see a home as a canvas for the soul to create and express itself.

Being aware and conscious of your environment will bring you much joy in your life.


You’re creating new belief systems when you make changes in your home. Our Inner world is reflected in the outer world. By changing the outer environment, we can change our subconsciousness and inner beliefs, and create a new reality.


I invite you to join me to create that beautiful art in your home for your soul!

You can choose a single consult with me or a series of consult to help you follow through with implementing the changes.

Cost of initial session is 275 euro (90-120 min), follow up 95euro/session (max. 60min)