New Earth Teacher Course

Do you feel you are here on a mission and don’t fit to the human life?


Maybe your first awakening is due to some kind of trauma, suffering or disease. You went on with meditations, healing, searching for answers through books and classes, but still feel you’re not fulfilling your purpose.


Mother earth is on a spiritual evolution moving towards her Higher Body, the New Earth. Many extraterrestrials or higher souls are incarnated on Earth to help with her ascension. They have lived lives after lives on Earth, waiting for that last moment. During their lives on earth, they have learned about human lives so that they can better help the planet.


Some are interested in animals, nature, children. Others are more attracted to environmental issues, government, politics; and some have interest in energies lines of Earth, the collective consciousness etc. All areas need help.


You might be one of those beings that I’m referring?!


In the New Earth Teacher Course, you’ll learn about the already existing planet New Earth, the ascension process and how you can help, how you can raise the frequency of others and yourself. Most importantly, you can spread the knowledge and prepare others so that it becomes a harmonious and smooth transition.


Moving to a higher dimension can be difficult for certain people especially if their whole life is into the materials, money, power and fame for example. It could even be challenging for spiritual people because the human mind needs to adapt to the new frequency.

That’s why we need your help.


This course was written twenty years ago by higher beings that have witnessed the spiritual evolution of other planets millions of times.

It contains a lot of universal knowledge and beyond. It comes with many tools, meditations of how you can help Earth, but also meditations to visit The New Earth.


Everything has a Divine Timing, Earth didn’t go to the New Earth according to the old plan, but during the years that follow, many higher knowledge has been given to us, the light workers.

If you haven’t learned any of those, the New Earth Teacher Course can be a good start point. If you have taken all of the advanced studies but didn’t have the New Earth Teacher, this course can be a complementary part to your knowledge. Maybe it contains the missing piece of puzzle that you’re looking for.


Taking this course also enables you as a teacher to teach this class to others.


The course is in a written form. It has 9 and ½ courses in total. The price was 50-100USD each course in the past, here I ask 150 euro for the entire course (9 ½) so that people who are interested can afford it. All initiations are included.

Once you accomplish this class, the fee you paid (150EUR) can be deducted from my Board of Angels class within a year.

If you wish to join live guided meditations from the course, it's possible for 17,5EUR/hour. I need at least two participants. More sessions can be scheduled.


The writer of this course is my dear teacher. Below are some selected texts from the course,

“When one speaks of Earth, one gets fascinated over everything that took place here during the total life history of the planet. Words such as evolution come up to describe long processes of development that sometimes took millions of years to be completed, the way we look at completion. Maybe, evolution isn’t the correct word to use in this case, but I will use it anyway. Although this time it is not about the usual kind of evolution, but rather a Spiritual Evolution. It is a growth that will consist of many phases. It has a very predictable process of development, where we and our planet shall become fulfilled. Without knowing it, maybe, we have all entered a new phase. A very big step has been taken. The Spiritual Evolution is fully happening. The Earth has taken a natural step forward and things are happening sort of like a “normal” evolution. The big difference though, is that this time it is happening on an inner, deeper and spiritual plane.

The New Earth is already born! It already exists in another dimension than ours. So there is actually another globe! It is there in the other dimension where it lives and thrives while waiting for us. The position of our present Earth gives nourishment and power to the New Earth. The process of their meeting started in September 2003. That is when their auras first touched and a new tone was introduced by light workers on Earth in Los Angeles, California, USA. I was there myself among others. This is how poetic it was described later: The aura of our present Earth is already kissing the aura of the New Earth.


The New Earth already has inhabitants. They are the people, animals and plants who died recently on our present Earth. (You can already, via meditations, try to connect with your dear ones, who according to our ordinary way of viewing it, died here on this Earth.)  When we are on New Earth we will meet our “deceased friends” again and then we will exist on the same physical level as they do. This will take place on a more finely tuned plane, on another level than our physical bodies of today. It will be like that because we will exist in a different dimension than we do now which, in turn, will make them and us look a little different after the shift. We will still be able to recognize each other though. Maybe people will even find their pet who died on Earth or their favorite tree that was chopped down, when they go to New Earth.


In the process that many have chosen to call Earth’s transformation or Earth going up to a different dimension, it is not about the present Earth changing or transforming herself. It is Her Soul that moves in to a new “body.”  Our own Souls will make the change as well, although we will do more than that. We will do it in a more physical way as well. All the preparations have already started. The signs that are telling what is going on can already be seen inside of us, in our bodies and in our surroundings.  Therefore the NET-classes are of immediate interest to make it easier for people to understand what is going on. We can take acupuncture, as an example. Suddenly it will be harder to find the points and give the appropriate treatment, because the chakras and the meridians have changed and, therefore, will affect the positions of the points.

A new consciousness and willingness in people to grow more in spiritual areas is also coming with our new higher frequency. We are getting a greater consciousness and a wider understanding and also a deeper insight into things, which we will need before the great shift.


We need it so that we can remain on the surface of the New Earth when the two planets pass through each other. It is extremely necessary that we reach a higher frequency so that we will be welcomed to and be able to belong on New Earth.

What happens with the people that are left on New Earth if their partner takes on another extraterrestrial, angel or light being body in order to return to their home planet?  Think of all the people who thought their husbands or wives were a “normal” person and then discover that they are a strange form of extraterrestrial. When they realize that this person has only been here on a mission disguised to live as a human being in a human body. And what on Earth are they themselves supposed to choose? What age, look, etc., should they take? What would they like? Well, for as long as you haven’t seen the whole menu you might settle for bread and water. When you aren’t aware of what is going to happen, all this is difficult. Then the knowledge of these NET- courses will fit in well. Why is that? Because the ones that put them together have already studied and seen the same thing happen to a million different worlds. They have followed the evolution over and over again and they know how to tell us about our future. I speak about everyone out there; everyone who has a greater understanding of things than we do. I turn to them out there, but I also turn inside. The whole way, I speak to God and the powers beyond. Therein lies the answers, the peace, the faith and the hope.


Please contact me if you have interest in this course and want to help Mother Earth in some way.

Thank you!

